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» 99er Download Database » Miscellaneous » Ti-994a.exe

Date Added: May 27, 2013 04:19 PM
Description: TI-99/4A Windows desktop theme. Originally intended for Win 95 & 98. Unknown which subsequent versions of Windows are compatible. The installer will prompt you for your Microsoft Plus! folder. However, if you don\'t have Plus!, you can select a different folder. You may get an error, but you can then go into that folder and use the media from the theme as you wish.
Creator/Author: 99er.net
Version: 4.0
Screenshot: Screenshot
Documentation: http://www.99er.net/theme.html
File Size: 265KB
Type Of File: Windows executable file
MD5: 044ceb8f6076caa7885108b537ed41db
Last Download: Jul 22, 2024 04:40 PM
Downloads: 1605
(7 Ratings) 
Tags: theme, Windows
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