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» 99er Download Database » Win994a » Disks » TI Office.zip

TI Office.zip
Date Added: Nov 25, 2007 07:08 PM
Description: This Win994a disk is a collection of Extended Basic Productivity programs that the user can run as a ‘down & dirty’ “Office Suite” for the TI99/4A.

There is a “relational” database program*, a spreadsheet program**, and a small text editor program***.

The documentation for each program is attached in .pdf format and is included in this archive.

*------- IS Base
**----- Snap Calc
***--- Type Writer
Creator/Author: Eric Bray
Version: 1
File Size: 5.12MB
Type Of File: ZIP
MD5: A3337CD31C598DB34C5E6FA3D2B79978
Last Download: Jul 27, 2024 07:08 AM
Downloads: 2899
(2 Ratings) 
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