Re: Using PC-downloaded files with V9t9

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Posted by Ryan Kimbrough on December 01, 1998 at 13:14:45:

In Reply to: Using PC-downloaded files with V9t9 posted by Asterisk on November 12, 1998 at 09:23:46:

Before Christmas I am planing to release my latest version of V9T9 Runner 3.0 along with a lot of software to use on the V9T9 emulator. This new version will have a convert utility that will convert all the TIFILES in a directory at one time by creating a dos bat file that uses XMDM2TI. I believe however that that it is better to use the archiver program to unark the files onto a diskimage instead of using DOS unark because unark doesn't handle the weird characters and when you convert the characters Windows 95 doesn't handle the converted characters very well.
The new version of V9T9 Runner should also let you create disk images easily so you can use archiver to unark to them.

I hope this will help.

Ryan Kimbrough

: I'm trying to download .ARK files off some of the TI FTP sites to use with V9t9. The problem is, I can never unark them. I always ger I/o Ettor #1. The files have the TIFILES header and when I remove it using the XMDM2TI utility included with v9t9 I can access the file on from Archiver running under the emulator, but an unark program for DOS says the file isn't a standard TI ark file. When I leave the TIFILES header on, the unark program for DOS unarchives the file just fine. But all the new files it unarchives have the TIFILES header, and I'm back where I started. How do I get this to work?

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