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  File Downloads Date Added
CC-40 Reference Card
1270 Feb 05, 2011
Games Written By Ian Howle - PC99 Format
1912 Nov 10, 2010
Games written by Ian Howle - V9T9 Format
2007 Nov 10, 2010
Howard Uman\'s Games V9T9 Format
2435 Nov 10, 2010
Compute!\'s First Book of TI Games
1868 Oct 19, 2010
COMPUTE!\'s Programmer\'s Reference Guide To The TI-99/4A
1900 Oct 19, 2010
  Compute!'s TI Collection Volume One
Program Listings
1723 Oct 19, 2010
  TI Logo Manual
Logo Cartridge
2122 Oct 19, 2010
  Basic Programming For Adults
CAC Booklet
2504 Jan 02, 2010
  Linux V9T9
V9T9 Emulator for Linux
1648 Dec 04, 2009
  MAC V9T9
Freeware 99/4A Emulator for the Mac
1755 Dec 04, 2009
TI-99/4A 8x8 Character Grid Hex Converter
1540 Dec 04, 2009
  Castle Dracula Adventure Game
V9T9 cassette file of text adventure game
2075 Dec 04, 2009
  TI-99/7 Hardware Theory Of Operation
99-7 HardwareTheoryOfOperation.pdf
3074 Dec 02, 2009
  TI Users Newsletter #4 1982
1378 Dec 02, 2009
Adventure, Tunnels Of Doom
2225 Jul 26, 2009
  TI Office 2.TIDisk
Office Suite Programs
2361 Jul 26, 2009
  Computes Assembly Guide
Compute!\'s Beginner\'s Guide To Assembly Language On The TI-99/4A
2460 Jul 20, 2009
  MG Sprite Guide
Miller\'s Graphics Smart Programming Guide For Sprites
2146 Jul 20, 2009
  Speak & Spell Brochure
Sales Brochure
2576 Jul 18, 2009

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