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  File Downloads Date Added
  Speech Synthesizer Manual
Manaual For TI Speech Synthsizer
3282 Jun 18, 2006
Tape conversion program for the TI99/4A computer and other TI99 files.
1815 Jun 17, 2006
  TI-99/4A Windows Fonts
TI-99 Style True Type Fonts For Windows
1923 Jun 12, 2006
  RXB Manual
Manual for Rich Extended Basic
2029 Jun 03, 2006
Rich Extended Basic
4603 Jun 03, 2006
  Misc XB Disks
6 Disk Images of XB Games/Programs
3734 Jun 03, 2006
  John Phillips\' Games
11 Disk Images Containing Games
3750 Jun 03, 2006
  Ian Howle
XB Games
3050 Jun 03, 2006
  Howard Uman\'s Games
XB Games
3213 Jun 03, 2006
  Castle Dracula
Adventure Game
3079 Jun 03, 2006
  Cartridge List
Cartridge Data In Excel Spreadsheet
2473 Jun 03, 2006
  Cipher, Decrypt, Encrypt Disk
5 Cipher Programs
2452 Jun 03, 2006
  Speak & Math
Speak & Math Activity Book
2559 May 29, 2006
  Speak & Read
Speak & Read Manual
2167 May 29, 2006
  TI-99/4 Brochure
Advertisement Brochure
2137 May 29, 2006
  TI Program Recorder
Cassette Recorder Manual
2519 May 29, 2006

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