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» 99er Download Database » Emulators » V9T9 Emulator

V9T9 Emulator
Date Added: Dec 17, 2006 04:17 PM
Description: *Note: In January of 2013, Ed Swartz announced that had released a new version in Java. You can download it from his website-the address is listed below as the \\\\\\\'Documentation URL\\\\\\\'.
TI-99/4A emulator written by Edward Schwartz. This version is no longer supported and runs in the command line- for a Windows front end, use V9T9 Runner with it.
Creator/Author: Edward Schwartz
Documentation: http://eswartz.github.com/emul/
File Size: 2MB
Type Of File: ZIP
Last Download: Jul 24, 2024 10:49 PM
Downloads: 4881
(12 Ratings) 
Tags: emulator, v9t9
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