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» 99er Download Database » Utilities » XBGame Developers Package

XBGame Developers Package
Date Added: May 20, 2022 01:00 PM
Description: ~UPDATED 5-20-22~
This package consists of two applications that make it possible to produce arcade quality games using Extended BASIC. Although they are designed to complement each other, each is a stand alone utility.
Also included is XB 2.9 G.E.M. which offers greatly enhanced graphics in Extended BASIC.

The package has been extensively updated to be fast, versatile, and simple to use. It is meant to be used with the Classic99 emulator, but the programs it creates are fully compatible with a real TI99, requiring nothing more than XB, 32K and a disk drive. Purists can use Juwel994 which has modified prompts to work with a real TI99.

There is an option to use the older, more compact TI BASIC only runtime routines. This replaces for the older "Harry Wilhelm's BASIC COMPILER" and as a bonus, it's much easier and faster to use.

Creator/Author: Harry Wilhelm
Version: 5-20-22 JUWEL4
Documentation: /files/wilhelm/JUWEL4 description.pdf
File Size: 5.831KB
Type Of File: ZIP
MD5: bcda7e6439a29d7015390f73e2730f3e
Last Download: Jul 23, 2024 05:00 AM
Downloads: 437
(4 Ratings) 
Tags: utilities, XB, games, programmig, compiler
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