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» 99er Download Database » Emulators

Category Files
Emulator Utilities
Files for use with Emulators


  File Downloads Date Added
  V9T9 Emulator
TI-99/4A Emulator for the PC
4881 Dec 17, 2006
  TI-99 Cartridges
137 Cartridges Zipped
8218 Dec 15, 2016
  MAC V9T9
Freeware 99/4A Emulator for the Mac
1755 Dec 04, 2009
  Linux V9T9
V9T9 Emulator for Linux
1648 Dec 04, 2009
Port of TI-99/Sim for the GP2X
1143 Dec 15, 2016
  Emulator Comparison
Comparison of available TI-99/4A Emulators/Simulators
2528 Jun 24, 2006

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