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@RichP: - serious problems with my
Hi Rich,

it's been a while since my last update on which is hosted by you.
I'm still using Notepad and WSFtp to do this.
Today I tried to access the account with my stored password but obviously it had been replaced over time.
Sadly I did too many tries to reach the account. That's maybe 45 minutes ago. Now my IP-adress is blocked by
I can't even view it in a browser.
What can I do now?
add to my username and you can write me a message what to do. Or better use my encrypted email adress below the Logbook of

The reason for my reawakened interest for updating my website is: A week ago I purchased an adapter to connect my old Atari-Joysticks(Competition Pros & Quickshots) via USB to my Win10 PC to use them in emulators. Today I downloaded Tursi's Classic99 to check, if the Joysticks work normal(<- YES) and if the diskfiles I provide on my side work within Classic99(<- NO)
Just wanted to add the text 'Classic99 doesn't handle DSK-files correctly' beside V9t9 and MESS. That's how the problems started. ;-)

Many thanks in advance,

Dirk aka Bromosel

PS: After playing around with Classic99 after writing the above I found out that the DSK-files are not handled correctly by this emulator. So I came back to V9T9 and placed it in the DOSBOX. V9T9 does not run under Win10(64bit). In DOSBOX the behaviour of V9T9 is veeeeerrrrrryyyy slowwwwwww.
Maybe I'm going to start a thread on this.

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