(05-09-2014, 07:12 PM)ksarul Wrote: [ -> ]You might want to look at what Gazoo has set up over on AtariAge. The games cartridge he built is the first full image for this board other than some bank test software. Note, the procedure folks used to create a 64K cart work here as well, so long as you assemble the banks in the opposite order for the 378. The basic process is the same. You can also do this in test mode using Classic99, as there is support for these boards in it. That way you can experiment to your heart's content without having to burn each experiment into an EPROM to see if it works. Did I send you the manual for the UberGROM? That discusses the method of bank switching the 378 uses somewhat extensively. Acadiel has built a lot of 64K and 128K images for the earlier versions of the cartridge as well, so he's a great source for information too.
Is there something special that needs to be done to have it an assembled cartridge file to run under classic99.
At some point, I tried an assembled file and tried to load it as a user cartridge, but it didn't work.
Here is a bit of info.
I tried a few different things to stop the need to power the console off and on. Finally, after a bit of testing I found if I load the menu program at both ends of the eprom and break the B+ to the cart board with a normally closed push button I can restore the mutlimenu selection.
So a QUIT the a press of the cart button then anykey for menu.
I just broke the vcc line to install a switch before it reaches the first jumper on the board.
The only negative is that you loose one additional spot for a 8k block so 6 8k cart bins only.
Also I found the combined (bins) for a 64k chip will be in the order (1,7,6,5,4,3,2) Assuming 7 files + 1 menu at the end
Subtract (7) from order to add extra menu at front
See slightly altered menu...I just didn't like the huge lettering at the screen bottom and color combo. So I played with it a bit.
I rewrote the bottom in graphics instead of text.
I was going to rewrite the header graphic as well, but don't want to do it by hand, which was one reason I was asking if there was a program that can allow graphic design (not full screen) and out put hex data.
For now it's fine as it stands.
It will just be an exercise for me to expand my understanding of the TI.
I just finished a supercart and loaded it with a menu program written years ago, and found a supercart version of the ti diag program I set up for supercart on that disk part of the menu , I saw my name pop up on the screen and said what?
I don't remember doing that.
The loader was written by Robert Jones , not sure if he is still active out there.
The files are on the disk in program form 33 sectors and load with a menu
that loads using the EA #5 selection by pressing enter.
I'll have to do some research and see if there were any other versions made, or if he documented it.
It makes it very easy to setup the supercart.